ISSN: 2773-5958,

Submit Guest Post

We are facilitating freelance writers or corporate institutes to submit blogs or stories in our journal blog section. Submissions must follow our terms and condition guideline, found below: 

1. All submissions must comply with Medium’s Rules and Ad-Free Policy.

2. Partner Program stories must also comply with the Medium’s Content Guidelines and Curation Guidelines.

3. We only accept unpublished drafts. This ensures stories are published to gain the most exposure possible.

4. Submissions must be non-fiction. We do not publish fiction or poetry.

5. All submissions must be of a family-friendly nature. We reserve the right to reject content deemed offensive or inappropriate for our wide audience.

6. We do not allow submissions whose sole intent is to sell or promote a book, blog, service, tool, or anything we deem to be a product. Honest product reviews that help our community make informed decisions are acceptable, however, ads or press releases are not. If you have a book, blog, service, tool, or other product you’d like to promote, you may include a single text link at the bottom of your submission.

7. Submissions with an overabundance of self-promotional links or any embedded means to collect information will be rejected. Submissions with embedded forms will be rejected. Stories may contain a maximum of two related stories using Medium’s embedded links. Inline links related to the content of your story are acceptable. Stories requesting claps, linking to payment services or asking for payment will be rejected.

8. All submissions must be in U.S. English and free of grammar, spelling, or language error. This includes improperly written paragraphs and overusing one or two-sentence paragraphs. You are expected to fully edit and vet any piece before submitting for publication.

9. Submissions should stay within ICRRD Journal. You retain all rights to your content and can remove it from ICRRD Journal at any time.

10. Writers whose submissions are repeatedly rejected for violation of our rules and requirements will be removed as a writer.

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By submitting a story to the ICRRD Journal, you are agreeing to comply with all of our rules and requirements.