ABSTRACT: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. The occurrence of breast cancer in the female Libyan population is strongly associated with young age with nearly 70.9% of cases arising in female individuals who are 50 years or younger. In 2004 breast cancer in Libya was the most common malignancy in females as recorded by Benghazi Cancer Registry. To determine the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of Libyan females attending primary health care centers in Benghazi regarding breast cancer. A cross – sectional descriptive study, total of 500 women attending health care centers in Benghazi. Nearly all participants 499 (99.8%) had heard about breast cancer, 295(59%) of participants had never heard about breast self-examination (BSE), the majority of them had not practiced BSE 344 (68.8%), 137 (27.4%) underwent screening by CBE, most of them 442 (88.4%) had not performed mammogram examination. The result revealed that the Libyan women attending the selected health care institutions had a good knowledge level about basic information regarding breast cancer, its signs, symptoms and its risk factors. It revealed they had poor knowledge for BSE, CBE and mammography, and had positive attitudes but poor practice.
Keywords: Breast Cancer, Screening, BSE, CBE, Mammogram.