ABSTRACT: The Purpose of the Study Was to find out effect of plyometric training and weight training on cardiovascular endurance and muscular endurance among Andhra University players. The research design of the study was random group design. 120 University Different Sports and games players (N=120) who represented their colleges in different Sports and Games tournaments were selected at random. The selected subjects were randomly divided into three groups and assigned into plyometric training group (Group-I), weight training group (Group-II) and control group. Each group consisted of 40 subjects. The training period was 12 weeks and three sessions a week on alternative days. Prior to experimental treatments all the subjects were measured of the criterion variables selected for this study. After the completion of the experimental period, the all the subjects were again measured of the criterion variables selected. The differences between the initial and final means on criterion variables were considered as the effect of respective treatment among the subjects. To test statistical significance of the difference, the obtained data were analysed using ANCOVA. In all cases 0.05 level was fixed to test the hypothesis.
Keywords: Plyometric training, Cardiovascular Endurance, Muscular Endurance, University players.