ABSTRACT: To calculate the incidence of mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of ovary in the institute and to analyze the preop, intraop and post op characteristics and analyzing the disease free survival disease free survival(dfs) and overall survival (OS )of the cases.It is a retrospective study done in the institute consisting of patients between 2009-2019. Eligibility criteria includes histopathologically and IHC diagnosed Primary mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of ovary. Secondary ovarian mucinous and borderline ovarian mucinous were excluded. Kaplan meyesrs survival methodand regression analysis was used. Both the regimen has similar chemo response rate.Median DFS for stage 1c3 was 52 months and that of advanced stage is 16 months. 4 years DFS was 85.14% for stage 1c3. As only 4 patients died and that too off stage IIIC hence OS for 1c cannot be calculated all the cases should have preoperative endoscopy colonoscopy mammography chest x ray and pap smear to look for other primaries. Both subacute intestinal obstruction and Surgical site infection were seen in 20% cases. The results of the regression analysis. Where, the dependent variable is Recurrence and independent Variables are age, tobacco, pathology, from the analysis we can see that p-values for all the independent Variables are more than 0.05. hence none of the independent factor are significantly associated with recurrence.
Keywords: Mucinous Cystadenocarcinoma, Tertiary Cancer, Disease free Survival