ABSTRACT: The study aims to critically review and explore the Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) in the education system of Bangladesh. Qualitative method is applied in this research, and data were collected through document analysis as well as interviewing of some education specialists in Bangladesh. Interestingly, the GPA is practicing 5 scales in the secondary and higher secondary levels and 4 scales in the graduation level. The education boards in Bangladesh run as per the Ministry of Education criteria and follow the GPA in the secondary and higher secondary levels. But the universities of Bangladesh are following CGPA as per the benchmark set up by the government or University Grant Commission. Remarkably, this CGPA mark scale is not followed homogeneously in the private universities. Public universities follow a separate benchmark for grading the results, and the private universities follow a distinct grade standard set up by themselves. In this case, the marks range of grading in private universities is diversified and generating problems among the students, recruiters, and policymakers. Thus, it is recommended to resolve this problem and make a unique mark range for a specific grade.
Keywords: Variations and Barriers of GPA and CGPA; Education System; Bangladesh.