ISSN: 2773-5958,

Water pollution and its affect in human health Context of Pakistan.

Water pollution and its affect in human health Context of Pakistan.


Water pollution was defined by Olanairan “water is defined as the presence of excessive amount of hazard in the water in such a way that it is no longer suitable for drinking, bathing, cooking or other uses”. According to 2010, “pollution is the introduction of contaminants to the environment. Water is a source of life until it is not polluted, this article will show the effects of water pollution, sources, types and prevention or cure of water pollution. Anthropogenic activities are the main reason of water pollution and it has very severe impacts on the health of plants, animals and human being. Most of the water is polluted and it should be treated to remove pollutants from it before use.

In Dhaka, river pollution has become a major problem, the study was conducted to collect the information about pollution in “Turag river” so it was proved that the quality of water is hazardous for health. In the water of river, high concentrations of TDS, COD, BOD and turbidity were found, that was causing several diseases: Skin diseases, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Respiratory issues, Anemia, Childbirth complications, Fever, Cholera, Dengue.

       Water quality of rivers is very important because it is used for almost every purpose like, drinking, washing, irrigation, tourism, infrastructure, hydrolytic power-plants etc. For the determination of the location of pollutants in the “Timis-Bega”, analysis has been done. For these analysis WQI [water quality index] was used. We cannot ignore the importance of water for the regulation of life, i.g. home uses, cattle crops and other industries. To maintain the life on earth it is very important to do not contaminate the water.