ABSTRACT: The study is an attempt to examine the economic analysis of cauliflower production in selected areas of Mymensingh district. A total of 100 farmers were randomly selected from three villages TrishalUpazilaof Mymensingh district. The major findings of this study revealed that production of the cauliflower was profitable. Benefit cost ratios of cauliflower was 2.44. The farmers earned the highest profit from cauliflower production. The results of Cobb-Douglas production function indicated that three major input factors namely labor cost, seed cost and fertilizer cost were significantly influenced the production of cauliflower. This study also identified some problems faced by farmers for producing cauliflower like insects affect, lack of capital, lack of quality seeds, lack of storage facilities, marking problems. Thus, more research and extension service can be adopted to solve the problems in order to increase production and ensure the nutritional food value in Bangladesh.
Keywords: Profitability, cauliflower farming, Cobb-Douglas production function, Mymensingh.